Urgent Action Issues

Kitsap Transit is attempting to take control of the pier to moor the Southworth Fast Ferries and create a light maintenance facility without public input or meaningful effort to look for other options.


In May 2021, mentions were made at a Kitsap Transit Board Meeting of interest in purchasing Harper Pier. When the public asked about this, KT denied there was even a plan. Soon the project to purchase was acknowledged as just a preliminary idea. By July, $7M had been added to capital budgets, and on September 7th, the KT board approved a $37K proposal for a consultant to conduct a feasibility study but ONLY studying Harper Pier.

This is a serious proposal that Kitsap Transit is budgeting and spending significant dollars on. This is a real threat to the overwater recreational activities in South Kitsap.

The feasibility study does not include any public input. It also doesn’t consider the feasibility of the obvious option of locating moorage at Southworth, where the ferry operates.

Kitsap Transit has not been transparent about why they are proposing this purchase and move to Harper. Maybe KT would like to reduce costs by moving the moorage and light maintenance from Port Orchard to a location close to the operation of the ferry service. Rumors stated that Kitsap Transit is limited to how many trips their ferries are allowed thru Rich Passage, this is not true.

Kitsap Transit’s proposed change of operating plans doesn’t mean they can take control of and reconfigure the community’s recreational pier. Kitsap Transit needs to do the due diligence and feasibility for all options, which would include Southworth. The original Southworth Fast Ferry plans, approved by voters, included an additional dock at Southworth for passenger-only ferries (POF). Kitsap Transit has not answered the question of why they are not investigating Southworth first, and they have been asked MANY times.

We won’t have the pier just taken from us or sold to the highest bidder.

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Take action to protect Harper Pier

  • Submit Written Comment to Kitsap Transit Board of Commissioners

    To submit comments into the public record prior to the KT Board Meeting, send an email to Jill Boltz, Clerk of the Board/Public Records Officer, JillB@kitsaptransit.com.

  • Attend & Testify Kitsap Transit Board of Commissioners Meetings

    Join the KT Board meetings as an attendee via Zoom. At the end of each meeting, there is an opportunity to make comments. (Three minutes are allowed and the Board doesn’t necessarily reply or comment).

    Meetings are on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays.

    The meeting packet, including the agenda, is usually posted on KT’s website a few days prior to the meeting.

  • Kitsap Transit Board Members

    To send an email to all the Board Members, send it to Jill Boltz, Clerk of the Board/Public Records Officer, JillB@kitsaptransit.com,

  • Port of Bremerton Commissioner Board Meetings

    Port of Bremerton Commissioner meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month.

  • Write your State Senators and Representatives

    Find your district and legislators

  • Attend Events

    In October we held a Buoy Drop to demonstrate the enormous footprint KT’s float and two ferries would have if moored off of Harper Pier.

Join us; use your voice!

Order a yard sign for your home and/or business. Tell KT and commissioners, they need to work to the correct long-term solution and keep the ferries where they operate.

 Overview Timeline

  • 21 - Director Clauson changes name of budget line item

  • 10/13/21 - Buoy Drop demonstration