Friends of Harper Pier

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Many events happening this week!

This post was originally sent as an email to our listserv. To sign up for future updates, add your name at the bottom of this page.

Sunrise at Harper Pier, by Molly Rainey

It's going to be a week of opportunities to listen and to voice your thoughts and opinions about Kitsap Transit’s plans concerning Harper Pier. 

Then at the end of the week, there’s a positive hands-on event to bring the whole family to, Orca Recovery Day at Harper Park.

See all details on our Friends of Harper Pier Calendar.

Kitsap Transit Harper Community Meeting
Wednesday, October 13th, 7-8 PM PST, Harper Church

Kitsap Transit will be presenting their ideas about moorage and maintenance at Harper Pier at a Harper Community Meeting.  Open to everyone with interest in Harper Pier.  There will be some time for questions.  Attend either in person at Harper Church or virtually. PLEASE ATTEND; let’s demonstrate that we are concerned and engaged!

·     Expected in attendance:

o  Kitsap Transit Executive Director John Clauson

o  Kitsap County Commissioner Charlotte Garrido (TBD in person or virtual)

o  Senator Emily Randall (TBD in person or virtual)

·     RSVP for virtual or in-person. KT will email a link to the YouTube Live Stream.  (If you use the virtual option, you will need to type your questions into the chat.)

·     Do you have questions for Kitsap Transit? Ask your question at the meeting. If the topic of your question was covered, ask a more in-depth question; request that Kitsap Transit be specific.  Time may be limited to 3 minutes per person.

Harper Pier Conversations with Senator Randall

State Senator Emily Randall wants to hear what you think about Kitsap Transit’s plans. RSVP details here.

·     Tuesday, Oct 12th, 1-1:30 PM, Zoom: Senator Randall wants to hear what you are concerned about regarding Harper Pier.

·     Wednesday, Oct 13th, 3–4 PM, In person: Coffee Hour at Café Corvo (Bremerton): monthly constituent’s meeting.

·     Thursday, Oct 28th, 5:30 – 6:30 PM, Zoom: monthly constituent’s meeting


Orca Recovery Day at Harper Park
Saturday, October 16th, 10-1 PM, Harper Park

Here is a hands-on event where we can learn how the Pier and Park impact Orca Recovery.  You can help improve the estuary, talk with ecologists and biologists, and participate in an art project.  Bring the family! Click here for more info and registration.

Kitsap Transit Board of Commissioners Meeting
Tuesday, October 19th, 8:30–10 AM, Zoom

We, Friends of Harper Pier, need to continue to voice to the Board of Commissioners our concerns about what Kitsap Transit is planning at each meeting!

What was your reaction to the Harper Community meeting?  Tell them!

Send your thoughts and questions to the Board via email. Examples of community members’ letters can be found at the bottom of our webpage.

The agenda will likely be posted on Friday, October 15th.  We’ll be looking for it.  Click here to look for it on Kitsap Transit’s website.

In the Media

  • The Kitsap Sun published Kinne Hawes’ opinion piece on 10/11/2021, Kitsap Transit Should Not Industrialize Harper Pier. Read it on The Sun’s site and on our website.

Did you miss the October 5th Kitsap Transit Board Meeting? Read our recap here.

Banner photo of the Pier by Molly Rainey.

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